Friday, March 14, 2008

Hello's and Goodbye's

April was leaving for Romania. Sweet sorrow. Jamie came from Texas with her three offspring. What a blessing to have them wandering our domicile for a few days. All the daughters made it but Elisabeth, who was locked into coordinating an event planned long ago. The send-off for April was noteworthy, with plenty to eat courtesy of JoAnna, and great communion of hearts around dear daughter April. April endured a lot of competition for her attention during the days before departure. She left Tuesday evening and arrived safely in Romania a day later. Within a day everyone was heading home. Now the toys are all put away, the house is relatively silent, and there is a void where the grandkids once buzzed, argued, and played. Gracie's little voice is no longer heard saying, "Papa lives in Kal-ef-fow-nya." The fish in my pond are safe once again. ;-)

The daughters pulled off an early (two months early!) surprise birthday party for me because most of them won't be around for the actual date. They caught me completely by surprise. I really appreciated the book they gave me with grandchild handprints plus comments from those old enough to write, along with heart reflections from daughters and spouses. It was the best "birthday card" I have ever received. Thanks for the love.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

can i get april's address from you? i want to send her a birthday package. my email is thank you.

how are you doing?

love, rebecca