Friday, June 12, 2009

Having a Ball... literally

Most of the grandkids have been here for five days. The reunion aspect is wonderful. We have done several picnics, including episodes of playing catch and hit-and-run. Gracie knows she has to run but isn't sure where so makes up her own bases, mostly in extreme foul territory. So far Jayden has escaped injury and is a pretty good fielder for 8 years old. Micah caught a deflected ball on the jaw, and Sarah a soft lob on the forehead. Even thought we use a soft version a baseball can hurt. Micah jumped back in about a half hour later. On the swings Gracie wants to go ever higher. She has more coordination in her little toe than this grandpa. When Seth saw me go completely under her to give her max elevation he wanted the same treatment. OK Seth, but don't let go! Then Norah thought she deserved similar. She is a bit young yet for that and we kept her closer to earth. All considered these are fun times. We should do it every year!


Anonymous said...

I agree. Its been such fun. Can't wait to see Jonah, Ava and Brynne too! gammie

Sarah said...

we are having fun too gampa, love sarah