Thursday, December 31, 2009

Appliance Joy

Appliances and joy do not seem to be related words. Over the past few months I have been accumulating building supplies where I found them cheap. If one waits and watches without the immediate need to buy there are fantastic deals out there. Many prices are way down in the slow economy, like 50% of 2006 prices. One of my favorite sources is a non-profit organization that gets construction donations from all over, much of it surplus or NOS (new old stock). Mom and I walked into their outlet a week ago and an appliance distribution warehouse had donated appliances... NOS, in the box appliances. We are a year from needing appliances up north, and I figured on checking here and there for decent used stuff. Standing in the outlet with stars in her eyes Mom reasoned we might be better off with new since there would hopefully be less repair problem in the remote of Alaska. (I think she has other motives but knows how to reason with me ;-). The result is we have new refrigerator, drier, washing machine, & microwave stuffed in the garage. We got it all for about what we paid for our house refrigerator five years ago! We also had a small used freezer donated to the cause. The only appliance we lack is a stove/oven. I feel like the Lord is bringing lots of pieces together without us even trying. Early in this adventure I prayed that if we were making a mistake or out of His will we would hit roadblocks or some other clear indication we were to put the brakes on. With the exception of some property negotiations where the seller was disingenuous the opposite has happened throughout. It is like He is greasing the way. We have a lot of logistical difficulty ahead and in light of these events I am resting and watching for how Sovereignty will work out the details. It's actually fun.


la femme elisabeth said...

I love that!

JamieB said...

Wow!! that's so great! and glad for mom, too! the more comfortable it is for her, she just may stay all year :)

Mel (AKA Dad, Papa Mel, Grampa) said...

I'm the one dragging my feet on all year. Mom introduced the yearly thing. All this is academic. First we gotta get a cabin built! Then we'll see.

Mel (AKA Dad, Papa Mel, Grampa) said...

its so much fun just seeing what God will do next..maybe send someone up to Alaska to help build...hint, hint