Sunday, January 4, 2009

Houston.... Do we have a problem???

We have liftoff. Translation: Adam and Jamie are "cruising" and the kids are in our care. Grace figured she could buffalo us at first (typical kid) and wasn't happy with her Mommy for leaving. Jamie called early last evening and all the kids talked to her and there were no tears. I thought... GREAT. A & J gave us a few lists of schedule and stuff to watch for and everything "seemed" under control. Then came bedtime. Bedtime was rough. One would get settled, then the other would cry, then the first would cry. Even Jay was misty eyed in the chain reaction and was unable to sleep. We got through night one coddling little ones until they collapsed, and a little short on sleep ourselves. I'd have been surprised if they didn't miss their folks. This morning they are smiling and fine. We are optimistic each night will be easier for them.

S.S. Minnow...
A & J's bon voyage had a little problem once they got to the port embarcation site. I tried to call them a few minutes ago and ask if it was ok to post the story, but they are either out of range or their phones are turned off. I'll wait and see if they post anything about it since they will have email ability from the ship and I don't want to step on their story.

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